
GADDIS Consulting Group develops and customizes web-based knowledge management portals.

GADDIS Consulting Group provides design, development, and training for all systems that we develop.

  Point Of Contact Link (POCLink): Member-driven Web-based Database and Knowledge Management System

POCLink (under license from the WVHTC Foundation) is our commercial product, a hosted solution: no upfront capital investment, no IT resources or special skills required. POCLink allows organizations to create a fully customizable web presence that goes beyond standard websites. POCLink contains administrator tools that provide administrators with a non-technical interface to manage all information and activity on the site.  With a POCLink system organizations can share knowledge to find opportunities, tools, equipment, and personnel.

POCLink can be deployed as a main web page for your organization, as a private web portal, or as an augmentation to an existing web site.  Click here for more information.